Saturday, November 29, 2008

Model Dogs 僕たちはモデル!

We went to the photo studio near our home in Sapporo to have our picture taken. Mom likes to take family pictures that include us, although Daddy finds it a bother. At the studio, we could hardly contain our excitement! But with the help of the photographer guy and his family, we managed to snap a few nice-looking pictures. Here's one of us with Mum! 家族のメンバーが増えたから市内の写真屋さんで再び家族写真を写してもらいました!こんな感じで~す♪

And here's one when she still had Issey in her belly. As you can see, we're having a hard time understanding her instructions, but we soon got the hang of it and everyone had a great time that day! 赤ちゃんがまだお腹にいたときに初めてスタジオで写真をとりました。楽しくてしょうがなかったけど、ちゃんと指示どおりにしようと頑張ったよ!(証拠写真↓)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New old car! 新中古車

We've got a cool new ride! Mum & Dad bought it secondhand from a dealer at a really good price. Can you see us in the picture? 新しい乗り物だ!いつ乗れるかな~?

They told us that our old Nissan Bluebird has gone to scrapmetal heaven. It's a pity we only rode in it once to go to the vet last week for our yearly inoculations.

It seems that there have been so many changes this year. I wonder when things will finally settle down. 今年は変化がありすぎ!なんとなく落ち着かないね…

Saturday, November 1, 2008

We love apples リンゴ大好き!

We absolutely adore apples, just like Dad. Mum gives us some every time she peels one for Dad, which is about five times a week.
She also gives us some whenever she makes some apple and walnut cake. (see the picture). We don't get to eat the cake though, just the leftover apples! Mum says it's good for our stomachs, and she might be right 'cause we've had fewer bouts of diarrhoea recently. As the saying goes, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." But in our case, we love our vets so much we can't wait to see them every time! リンゴがお腹にやさしいらしい。毎週必ず何回も皮と芯がもらえる。美味しいわ~ん!