Saturday, April 19, 2008

Warm days ahead

It's Saturday. Daddy woke up really early but didn't take us out until about 7am. It was already nice and warm then. We recently noticed that all our favourite peeing and pooing spots in the snow have melted and we've been busy looking for suitable other places to go. Hop likes to go in the middle of the road but sometimes those big cars come and honk at him. We don't really care, but Daddy and Mommy look kinda embarrassed. I like to go at the side of a wall of something; I think it's safer that way.

It was really warm yesterday and today. We had to play by ourselves --- fighting mostly --- while Mommy worked on the PC until after afternoon walk. It was so hot we couldn't stop panting and Mommy kinda looked silly in her jacket. After that we were all peaked out and didn't really mind it when Mommy left us in our pen to go out to work. She came back pretty soon after anyways, with the smell of another dog on her! That woman is unbelievable! But she gave us a little snack so we forgave her straightaway. :-)

(From Mugi)

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