Saturday, April 26, 2008

Kishimen きしめん

Mom & Dad had something called "Kishimen" today. Mom said it reminded her of a kind of noodle she used to love in Singapore. I wonder how that tastes like. I sometimes steal food from the kitchen sink, so Mom gets very angry with me if she sees me sneaking into the kitchen. Mugi can't reach the top of the kitchen sink, but if she could, I'm sure she would steal food too. --- Hop

Hop's latest passion is fetching. He never used to like to fetch, but these days we're so bored we'll try anything to get Mom's attention. That blue ball in the video? That's his latest best friend. Frankly, I think this whole "fetch" business is entirely overrated, but Mom makes such a fuss over Hop that I get quite jealous sometimes. --- Mugi

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