Friday, May 2, 2008

Sick as dogs

We're sick.

Yesterday Mom discovered that her dishwashing sponge was missing. I think I swallowed it. I saw something in the kitchen
and it smelled good so I ate it. Mom is throwing a fit because this would be my 2nd kitchen sponge. The last time I ate the kitchen sponge, they took me to the vet and did an X-ray examination. Luckily Mom decided not to cut open my stomach. I had my first surgery when I was about 4 months old, when I swallowed a large sock. That was a nasty and, according to mom, expensive experience. I had to wear that silly Elizabethan collar and one of Mom's tank tops. --- Sponge-eating Hop

(I look like the lamp on the wall behind me...)

(Here's me looking like Freddie Mercury...)

I think I've got something stuck in my throat. Last night I kept heaving and trying to throw up, but nothing came up. Mom was really worried and woke up several times in the night to check on me. Finally, I managed to get some sleep and the heaving stopped. I'm still not feeling well now, but at leat I don't feel like puking anymore. One bad news is, Mom got rid of all our old and dirty toys!! She thinks that the toys have something to do with my being sick. I protested but of course, she wouldn't hear of it..... Sigh. What a great way to spend May Day. --- ゲボハキ Mugi

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